Wellness program through JAS

Making positive changes isn’t easy, especially when it comes to health. A wellness program is a great way to see the benefits of leading a healthier lifestyle, and to reward yourself for the good things you do.

Your benefits

JAS offers the Healthy JAS Wellness Program, powered by GoPivot.

You can complete wellness activities and challenges throughout the year to earn points that you can redeem in the online mall.

Signing up for the Healthy JAS Wellness Program is easy:

  1. Visit www.HealthyJAS.com or download the GoPivot mobile app and click “Register”
  2. Enter your Promo Code: JAS
  3. Enter your Employee ID, which is the first letter of your first name, followed by your entire last name (ex: JSmith)
  4. Enter your Passcode, which is your eight-digit date of birth (MMDDYYYY)
  5. You will be prompted to select a new username and password that you will use to login moving forward

To learn more about your wellness program powered by GoPivot, call support at 888-949-1001, email them at support@gopivotsolutions.com, or select the button below to visit the Healthy JAS website.


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