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Varicose veins when pregnant

Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that may be itchy or painful, and are visible if the swelling is significant. They are most commonly observed in the legs, but can appear in other areas, including the vulva.

What causes it?

Varicose veins occur for a few reasons. There is a massive increase in blood circulation throughout your body while you are pregnant, and veins get larger to handle this. Hormones are also at play, which can slow blood return from the legs. The weight of your growing baby changes and makes blood flow back up to your heart harder, which is why varicose veins often appear or get worse towards the end of pregnancy.

Genetics play a role in whether you’re more likely to get varicose veins, and jobs where you’re always on your feet may also increase your risk.


Even if you do all the right things to avoid them, varicose veins can still show up. Many people find that a mix of rest and elevating their legs can help with discomfort. Warm soaks can also relieve pain. Another option is compression. Socks, stockings, and belts (for the vulvar varicosities) can apply gentle compression and support. 

Most varicose veins will disappear after you give birth, but some may persist or remain visible. There are both surgical and non-invasive options that healthcare providers can utilize to treat varicose veins after delivery.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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